Sunday, December 28, 2014

Journal Entry: Day 7

We dropped off our Pastorela banners at St. Jacobi's Church in Brooklyn. Then we all went to El Museo del Barrio with Gerardo's family in East Harlem. We also got a walking tour of the neighborhood from Gerardo. We had delicious tacos for lunch at a local restaurant.

We went to the MET art museum from 4:00 to 6:00 pm. The monastery was locked until 10:00 pm, so we killed some time at Panera, souvenir shopping,  McDonald's, and taking the subway home. I was starting to get on some people's nerves, I think. In reality, I think after a long week, a lot of us were starting to bother each other. Some people were tired and cold, and this didn't help either. Also, when other people complain, my normal response is to think of the bright side or make a joke. This did not go over well in my group tonight. I agree that I should have just let them complain and not gotten involved, because I was not being helpful. I usually try to avoid these situations, and certainly will in the future. I did learn from the experience, though:
1. If people are complaining, offer a bright side. If they don't bite, let them complain. Distance yourself.
2. You usually can't change someone's mind through argument. Offer your viewpoint, but don't argue it.
3. Deliver your opinion gently. People are more receptive to this. Also, if they don't take your side, it doesn't really matter. You don't have to "win" every conversation.
Mural in East Harlem

Art at MET

Indian drum at MET

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