Sunday, December 28, 2014

Journal Entry: Day 8

Yesterday's interpersonal issues have subsided after a brief apology from me. While I did mention conflicts in these journal entries, it should be noted that in general I had a great time with everyone. People got along well for the most part and getting to know more of my UC community was a great opportunity.

We went to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island today! I split off from everyone and wandered Ellis Island alone for a while. They had an interesting room on intelligence testing, and accepting immigrants in general. Immigration terms were strict, but it was possible for many to come and live here legally. Now, immigration from a country like Mexico is very difficult, given the number of people who want to immigrate.

Then we went to Wall Street, ate at a sports bar for lunch. Pastorela was from 5:00 to 7:30 pm. It was in St. Jacobi's Church basement, and it was PACKED. It was a family event and the sense of community was incredible. Everyone was having a blast and was comfortable amid the chaos of a clown, a pinata, dancing mascots, and music. UC students got recognized for their work, and we got certificates for our efforts. We talked briefly with Tere and her family. Unfortunately her oldest daughter was not there, so we could not talk to her about going to college, like we had planned earlier in the week. Additionally, one of the women whose apartment we painted made us this ancient Aztec soup, and it was interesting and delicious. I was concerned it contained gluten, so I must have looked like I wasn't enjoying it very much, which I feel bad about.

Also, we were again locked out of the monastery when we got back. We were let in by a hilarious older nun. Altogether a great day.

Immigration Center at Ellis Island


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